SKU : Gin15
Categories : หัวสกัดโสมเกาหลี , 
Brand : ILHWA
GINST15, New innovation of Korean Ginseng
GINst15 is the latest ILHWA Ginseng extract technology, researched by ILHWA Institute that the Ginsenocide is absorbed in the lower intestine so that the body absorb is not good and less efficiency. We start to research to extract the ginseng that is increasing the absorption, consistency and more faster in the body. IlHWA has developed a proprietary fermentation process to solve the problem. As a result, GINST15 allows the body to absorb important substances from ginseng 15 times better than regular ginseng, and the body uses it up to 4 times faster (which normal ginseng typically takes 12 hours to absorb, but GINST15 absorbs up to 3 to 4 hours). With the modern science technology, GINST15 be accepted that is one of the best Ginseng in the world
GINST15 researched and developed from 100% of the Ginseng pure PANEX root, the root ginseng is liquefied and extracted by using ginseng root age 4-6 years, the highest grade only through the several advanced process of highest technology especially ILHWA's unique extracted the low-temperature vacuum method, Award-winning and patented process. This ensures that it helps to maintain higher levels of ginsenosides. Like other ingredients and nutrients, it is preserved, protected and maximized potency